
So of course, I’m behind. Haven’t blogged in almost a month! So here’s some quick updates!

Me & B:

Project 365: FAIL. I was doing great until my camera’s card filled up. Then it took me until yesterday to empty it. (New) Goal: to start again tomorrow! 🙂

Weight loss-WIN! B and I both started using My Fitness Pal (has a GREAT app for the iphone!) and we’ve both lost 10 pounds already in the month of January! I’m going to try an add a widget to my blog so you can follow my progress. Wahoo! Goals: Keep it up! Start Exercising Regularly.

Parenting Two Kids: I think we are doing pretty great, if I do say so myself! Of course there is plenty of room for improvement :). I’ve taken the two kids to the grocery store twice by myself (thank you Beco Baby carrier!) and we manage to get to all of C’s events on time-ish. What little blessings they are! Goal-keep them breathing. 😉

Budgeting: Pretty proud of us. Talking about $, planning, budgeting- basically anythng $ related made me really anxious. Well 4 years into marriage we had a great night of planning in the beginning of January and stuck to our budget really well! We have a date night set up to do it again this weekend! Goal: keep it up in February!

Thirty-One : This is my new project! (like I needed another one!) I discovered 31 mainly through my friend Nikki. I hosted a show and discovered I wanted to buy absolutely everything- so I knew I had to become a consultant! I am SO SO SO Excited to be a brand new consultant. I love that this is a Christian based company (The name Thirty-One is from the Proverbs 31 woman- a woman I’d like to be more like!) I love the products- they are helping me become that proverbs 31 lady by being more organized and lovely! I’ll probably post more later on this one, but let me know if you’re interested in hearing more before i get around to blogging!!


Continues to be generally adorable, Two year old ish on some days, and comedic relief. (Example: she just told me she’s an “aster not” while wearing a drum on her head) She is such a joy. She loves loves loves her little brother. She’s always bringing him his B.bear (BB2).  She asks where he is, and if he’s sleeping in his “Hungry Cah-piwwer” bed. (some day I’ll finish his nursery and post pics… 😉 ) We have hopes of potty training soon. We’ll see!

She counts forwards and backwards which is pretty impressive in my book. She knows certain letter sounds. She finally knows our first names and no longer thinks my other name is “Hon”! She continues to love dance class and soccer and all her friends and family. She is a very loving little girl, generous with her hugs. She makes my heart full!

D: will be TWO MONTHS OLD on Thursday! I’ll save his updates for then. Fingers crossed that I write one. 🙂

Pictures next time! 🙂


One response to “{Updates}

  1. We’ve been budgeting everything again also. Trying to get through college without any debt is….difficult.

    Great job on the weight loss! You’re doing wonderful. I’m sure you’re staying more active then you know with 2 kiddos.

    Can’t wait to meet up soon.

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